No-Land: Prologue

'NO-LAND' illustrates a future underwater world where the evolved human-beings live in. Lei uses her digital and narrative illustration skills to merge the reality of oceans' environment and her future vision of underwater creatures into a fashion and textiles collection.

· Fantasia A range of digitally designed photographic prints that present the reality of sea creatures and environment, compose with large scales of innovative textured materials. Lei uses different pleating techniques to create the vibes of the seascape.

· Utopia A very playful and colourful wonderland for future creatures. Lei creates both detailed and abstracted patterns to show the moving colours under the sea. Colour changing techniques are used on both light and heavily weighted materials. Lei likes the viewers to interact with the fabrics through touching, scrubbing and flipping.

· Adventure Celebrate the magical and unpredictable colouration in the sea environment. Lei introduces four main characters as the native No-land citizens. Meet Licht, Lacey, Lux and Lachesis from different depths of No-land. They reflect four different careers and lifestyles in response to the situation of the COVID-19 in 2020 —— An indoor creator, a landlord, a television celebrity and a delivery courier. Lei gave them specific symbols for representations and creates patterns through repetitions and manipulations.

No-Land: Prologue is seen as a pre-collection of the project No-Land: Life in 2223

Fashion Film  00:01:49


Sunlight Kimono Coat

Twilight Suits

Midnight Overall

Licht Kimono Coat

Lux Swimsuit


